July 08, 2009

Monteverde Dirt - Dos Doses of Dos

OK, so near our place there are two towns about 5 km apart that are both called “Dos”. First of all, that’s a really um, kinda weird name for a town……I mean there are no other towns called “Cinco” or “Ocho” or any other number. One of the towns is actually called “Dos de Tilaran” (Tilaran is the county) and the other is called “Dos de Abangares” (again, Abangares is the county). Anyway, I’d like to know the story behind that whole deal - like one town said “Hey, we’re gonna name our town ‘Dos’ and the other said ‘uh, that’s a really sweet name, maybe we’ll name our town Dos as well’ and then the first town was like……”dude, whatever – you guys suck”. So anyway, doing a loop ride through the Dos-es is pretty cool except for one thing – the ride starts with a lot of descending and ends with a ton of climbing. I really hate rides like that and have even been tempted to drive to the low point of the ride and start form there.

From Tornos head northwest to Cabaceras but right at the main store there, hang a left – this will take you to Dos #1 (de Abangares) via a REALLY steep decent. You will know when you are getting close because about ½ km before you get there you can smell coffee being roasted at the “benificio” – could be your brakes though. The benificio is located in the valley next to the Rio Canas in a really awesome setting. You can do a tour of the place, which I’ll bet is pretty cool. This is the low point of the ride – from here you climb though coffee farms and forest for about 5 km to Dos #2 (de Tilaran). Dos #2 is not as cool as Dos #1, but they have a store that seems to really be catering to boozing tourists - I guess because it’s written in English. After getting your 12 pack to “take away” you will climb some more through coffee farms, the small town of Las Brisas and then back to Cabaceras and a steep climb back to Tornos. Not sure of the mileage of this one but probably around 12 to 14 with about 2,000 ft of climbing. Bonus points if you really DID pick up a 12 pack in Dos 2.
So, as you can see I'm finally starting to learn this damn GPS - here is the track and elevation profile.