September 15, 2007

Taos Dirt - Rio Chiquito/SBT looper

Gee.... Thanks Easter Bunny - a sloppy day to do a 40 mile loop. No bikes in sight just a bunch of fat ass drunk ATVers thinkin' they're bad ass by gassing it and spraying mud big-time everytime they pass -showing off for their chile-bellied putas who are holding on for dear life...."aye chinga!!". Ya, it's pretty sweet breathing air saturated with 2-cycle oil for hours on end - that will teach me to ride the road.

The's a looper from the casa through Ranchos, Talpa, Rio Chiquito, Garcia Park and back to Taos. Rain pretty much the whole way - but oh well, we've been getting a shit-load of rain this year in Taos so I guess I should be indoors playing one of those x box things and drinking mountain dew.

After about 25 miles and lots of climbing in squishy mud - finally the downhill run back to town on the South Boundary Trail. I'm pretty pyched that it's wet since now my disc brakes are squeeling like a couple of banshees warning all the black bears and mountain lions to get the hell off the trail....... ya, the trail. This is the same section where Jen almost had to bunny-hop a huge black bear(while pulling off a superman and a double can-can in the process) to avoid it.

What the hell ARE "banshees" anyway