The climb up Sugarloaf was pretty straight forward - even though I passed 3 dudes who were blowing chunks on the side of the trail. Seemed a little early in the race to be pushing that hard from mid-pack. Whatever.
The ride down Powerline was loose and rutted as always but I was able to pass a good 30 people there (probably the same ones who blew doors on me on the previous climb). I saw John up ahead again but was not able to catch him before I had to stop and pee - again. Then we hit the long flat section to the Pipeline check point, which I didn't stop at. I was feeling ok all the way to Twin Lakes, where Jen and Tammy were waiting to crew. Swapped bottles, GU flask took some Sport Legs and started the climb up to Columbine Mine at 12,400'. I already know that this is a 2 hour climb so I just accept this horrible fact and take my time. Getting close tree line, Lance and Dave Wiens are on the return leg to Leadville and come flying past going the opposite direction. I'm looking for Todd, Casey, Dan and a few other guys that I know should be close to the front. Getting close to the top, above tree line, the trail gets pretty tough and it's more hiking than biking - fine with me because I'm getting pretty tired. Just near the turn around John is 10 minutes ahead of me - he's doing really well for only his second mountain bike race and he's on a pretty crappy bike too.........AND he's doing to 100 mile running race the following weekend! Also at the turn-around I see that Bruce is only about 5 minutes behind me - yes, that's 71 year old Bruce Murray - that guy is awesome. Also right behind me at the turn-around was Dan Fillipi and a little further back was Chris cruising along thinking "I'll bet there's wild beers in those woods.......and dammit, I'm thirsty."
At the top there is a short flat section and I'm riding some dude's wheel and all of the sudden he cocks his head to the side and pukes - almost like it's no big deal and he does it all the time. It was a serious "vomit launch" and I almost ride right into the line of fire. The guy does not even slow down and just keeps riding. Wow.
The ride down Columbine back to Twin Lakes is fast - even faster than I remember - maybe due to the recent rains. No problem for the wimpy tires I'm riding (Hutchison Python NG) and I pass probably another 30 or so people (again, probably the same ones who passed me on the climb). Back at Twin Lakes it's time for my secret weapon - I planned on stopping here for at least 5 minutes to wolf down some pepperoni and Jalapeno pizza. That was a good choice....lots of salt and fat and now my stomach will not bitch at me for eating space food (GU, Blocks, Bars) all day. I also downed another 5 Sport Legs.
From that point to the base of the Powerline climb I'm only feeling so-so and I'm just waiting for the pizza to kick in. Bruce finally passed me during this section - he is having a really good day after DNFing the past 2 or 3 Leadville's. We get to the base of Powerline and I'm starting to feel good.....I mean REALLY good. Once the hike-a-bike lower section of that climb is over I'm on riding and passing lots of carnage - people are bonking big-time. I pass another puker.....and then it starts raining. The sky is BLACK and it does not look good. I stopped, put on my rain jacket and luckily only 5 minutes later it's all over.....but now everything is mud and hail. That's ok, I still feel good hauling ass up sugarloaf and down and up St. Keven's and down and finally the long gentle climb back into town. I turn the corner and there's John.... jeez-us, I finally caught him and he looks "done". I felt bad as I cruised pass him. 15 minutes later I'm crossing the finish in 11:20 for the day. About as good as I thought I'd do... considering.
I never did catch up to these dudes: Lance Armstrong and Dave Weins way out front. Dave took the win, beating Lance (2nd place) by about 2 minutes.
Dan Knight kicks some serious ass coming in at 8:25, 55th overall
Todd finished in about 8:35 (65th overall) lovin' that sweet race number he drew.
Our old (young) bud, Casey Puntenney knew he had some beers to drink that night so saved his energy and finished at around 9:30 (167th overall). Casey was nice enough to have us over for a few PBRs and deviled eggs after the race
Here's me looking WAY too serious. Unfortunately, I forgot to suck in my gut for this shot
Unfortunately Jen couldn't get a picture of Bruce, Dan F. Chris and also our old friend Bryan Anderson. Bruce finished about 10 minutes ahead of me and now holds the record as the oldest finisher of this race. Yes I got my ass kicked by a 71 year old dude.....ya, and so did about 400 other people. Fortunately Bruce is one of the coolest guys I know, so I have no problems losing to him. Dan F. had a great race but DNF'd with shifting issues at about mile 80 and Chris was found hallucinating about giant beers and didn't make the cut-off at the Pipeline station (about mile 70). Still an awesome ride by those guys. Bryan finished in about 10:15, which is seriously bad ass. Last time I saw Bryan he was riding the most old school mountain bike ever. I'm talking like 70 lbs of 70's era sweetness. Luckily he upgraded for the race........he just needs to upgrade that stupid 70's era helmet that he still wears ......on THE SIDE of his head.
The following day Jen, Barb, John and Tammy ran in the Leadville the rain. Tammy ran the 100 mile run the following weekend to finish in 29:59:30....only 30 seconds before the 30 hour cut-off time. Amazing.
Barb comes in smiling too.......shit, running must be EASY
Tammy is thinking about the following weekend and the 100 mile run and wondering WTF she got herself into